Holiday fruit
It was the Christmas season. My husband and I don’t have a ton of money, and what little we have we always spend on the kids. My husband had been saving a little extra money and wanted to get me a small gift for the holidays. I had been hinting very hard for a bottle of my favorite perfume, which I was getting low on. The hints were heavy. In fact, I came right out and told him that’s what I wanted. Well, that is not what I got. My sweetie decided to go out on a limb and get me a beautiful fruit basket for Christmas. Yeah, fruit. Like the kind I get every week anyway at the grocery store. At first I thought it was a joke, and that I was also getting the perfume. But, no, the fruit was my gift. I cried for a while, and when the crying was done, I gave the fruit basket to the kids and told them that it was a gift from Daddy. They loved it. They were 7 and 4 at the time, so fruit is a lovely present. Needless to say, it was NOT a very romantic present for a man’s beautiful wife.
The “fruit gift” story lives on. It has become a big joke among my girlfriends and with my mom. Everyone is always saying that they received lingerie and some apples and oranges from their husbands. You get the idea.