The body may weaken, but the heart remains strong
This may not sound romantic to some but my husband has done many romantic things in our life together but this one I will never forget. After many surgeries on my knees I can barely get around anymore. This is rather hard on me in many ways but the one thing that bothers me the most is I can no longer ride my horses, the one I just got as I started on my surgeries I dreamed of riding from the day I first brought him in to the farm. He’s finally broke to ride but all I can do is watch everyone else take off through the fields on my dream. It’s so beautiful watching him go but all I can think of is what it would feel like running out across the way on his back in the middle of a crisp day. My husband must have noticed what I was feeling and he took me out to the farm one day and he too my horse out of his stall and put my old saddle on him. Now my husband doesn’t ride and I know he just keeps the horses around for me so I didn’t know what he was up to. Well, he boosted me up on a tall tack box and then he got me to my feet. He called one of the other borders over and asked them to hold the horse and he boosted me up and over onto the horses back. He never said anything except you’re gonna ride this horse. I told him I couldn’t but he still got me on him. He knew I couldn’t take off on my own, shoot I can’t even keep my feet in the stirrups anymore. But I took one glorified pony ride that day.
My husband led me out into the fields on my horse and walked him around. I’ll never forget what it felt like to look across the farm through the ears of that horse for the rest of my life. Neither of us said a word as we walked through the grass and after awhile back into the barn. He slid me back off and got me sat down, went over and took the saddle off and groomed the old horse before he put him back in his stall. I cry and smile the whole time I think about it just as I did that day. On the way home I thanked my husband for what he did. He told me, “Honey your body might be weak but your heart is still strong, I know you love those horses and I love you.” That’s the most beautiful thing anyone has ever done or said to me. I get mad at him but I love that man with all my heart, just as he does me.