Romance Graphic Novel

Coming Home, Part 1: Halfway Home (Romance Graphic Novel)

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By: Gail Hamilton Artist: Enzo Pertile



When the tall, gaunt apparition staggers into her living room, Amy can’t believe her eyes. Jim Rankin! She thought he was dead. She’s been staying at his deceased grandmother’s house until she finds a job and a place to live, but now…

Now, she has a deeply troubled man on her hands, one with no other home, one whose terrifying experiences have left wounds, both physical and emotional. And as their growing attraction explodes into passion, Amy realizes he’ll never get well unless she leaves him… and her heart breaks.

This romance graphic novel is written by Gail Hamilton writing as April Harbringer and illustrated by Enzo Pertile. The PDF version of this story is formatted in full color using the original 12.5×7.5 inch images and is best viewed on a computer. The ePub version can be viewed on a computer or your favorite e-reader or handheld device.

Visit MyRomanceStory’s Gail Hamilton’s Author’s Page for the latest news, reviews and to find more of her books.

Excerpt/Book Trailer

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Publisher Arrow Publications
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