The Queen Travels to Comic-Con

By Tiff Pantone,

If I never understood the phrase sticking out like a sore thumb before, I truly understand after attending a major Comic-Con in search of artists. As a Comic-Con virgin it was certainly something to write home to Mom about. First and foremost, I can state with relative confidence that not only was I the only woman there wearing business clothes, I think I can stretch it so far as to say I was one of the few women not dressed in leather. Believe me, I am still kicking myself for leaving my high-heeled boots and vixen outfit at home. But who would have known! While the artists were all very warm and excited about speaking about their projects and artwork, I did get the occasional sideways glance and “what is she doing here” look…probably had something to do with my lack of leather…again, still kicking myself. Or was it just the amused smile plastered on my face because this blond-haired girl from the D.C. area had an all access pass to Comic-Con even if she didn’t know what to do with it.

All in all I would have to say that Comic-Con was an enlightening experience. It was extremely inspiring to walk through the exhibit hall to talk with artists about and see it so openly accepted. Those I talked with showed interest in not only creating art for us, but also even in subscribing. I don’t think I made a huge impact on Comic-Con but it certainly made one on me.